Idoneous Consulting is a certified 8(a), woman-owned, small business that provides an integrated array of services to federal government agencies in support of scientific, health, and technical initiatives from discovery through implementation. With offices in Silver Spring, Maryland; Atlanta, Georgia; and Louisville, Colorado; our team crafts innovative and custom solutions to fit each client’s specific needs.

The Perfect Fit.

Idoneous Consulting is a certified 8(a), woman-owned, small business that provides an integrated array of services to federal government agencies in support of scientific, health, and technical initiatives from discovery through implementation. With offices in Silver Spring, Maryland; Atlanta, Georgia; and Louisville, Colorado; our team crafts innovative and custom solutions to fit each client’s specific needs.

The Perfect Fit.

Idoneous Consulting is a certified 8(a), woman-owned, small business that provides an integrated array of services to federal government agencies in support of scientific, health, and technical initiatives from discovery through implementation.
The Perfect Fit.
i•do•ne•ous (ahy-DOH-nee-uhs)
(adj. Definition: ideal fit, proper, suitable)
Solutions That Fit Your Needs is more than just a slogan; it’s the driving force behind everything we do. Whether it’s providing human capital for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or IT services to the Center for Information Technology at the National Institutes of Health, Idoneous develops customized solutions to fit our clients’ needs.
The company’s core staff offers broad business, operational, scientific, and technical experience and credentials critical to the successful delivery of services.
Our President & CEO

Savena Allen
… founded Idoneous Educational Services, Inc., dba Idoneous Consulting, in 2004. She oversees the day-to-day operations of all aspects of the company and ensures the availability of corporate resources to support its federal and commercial customers. Ms. Allen works with senior company managers to foster high-level responsive performance and efficient delivery of services.
She holds an M.S. in Education from the University of Pennsylvania and a B.A. in English and Secondary Education from the College of New Jersey.
Idoneous Consulting is a 100% woman-owned small business and holds 8(a) certification through 2022. As such, it is a certified economically disadvantaged, woman-owned company (EDWOC). Idoneous holds a GSA Professional Services Schedule (PSS) contract.

Founded in 2004, Idoneous has direct experience in providing management and business consulting services to government agencies as well as to clients in the private sector. At Idoneous, solutions that fit your needs is more than a slogan, it’s the driving force behind the custom solutions we design for each client.
The Government Services Administration (GSA) awarded Professional Services Schedule (PSS) contract number GS-10F-0273Y to Idoneous. This contract allows federal managers to access our professional services in strategy formulation, consulting, research support, facilitation, training, quality assurance, and technical assistance at discounted and competitive prices through streamlined procurement procedures. For a PDF version of our PSS contract rates, click here.